Wen Chang
Academic Position

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The Wen Chang position is an important area in both home and office settings, known to enhance one's academic performance, increase knowledge and wisdom, and bring good fortune in education-related pursuits. The study room, therefore, plays a significant role in an individual's lifelong prosperity.

As the ancient adage goes, "十年寒窗無人問,一舉成名天下知" "Ten years of hard work, no one knows; one moment of success, the world knows." This also highlights the importance of dedication in achieving academic success to honor one's ancestors.

When choosing a study room, the primary consideration should be a quiet environment. Important to observe when setting up a study room include:


Avoid positioning the study desk to face the door.


Refrain from using pink, orange, yellow, purple, or red curtains in the study room.


Do not place a mirror facing the desk or door.


Do not place a mirror facing the desk or door.


Ideally, the back of the chair should be supported by a solid wall.


Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the Wen Chang position.

Wen Chang Academic Position

Unlock the Secret Divine Method.

Use a Wen Chang Talisman (price upon inquiry) with the above guidelines for best results.

Please get in touch with us to determine the most suitable talisman for your needs.